VMF: the European specialist in hydraulic manifolds.

Why is VMF the European specialist in precision hydraulic blocks? Five arguments to convince you!

1- A historic company with proven expertise in the manufacture of hydraulic manifolds.

VMF was born in 1986 in the Monts du Lyonnais on the initiative of Daniel Combe, an expert in fluid mechanics. He is convinced that manifolds represent a relevant alternative to piping valve systems. Indeed, hydraulic blocks have many advantages: compactness, removal of welding points, elimination of leaks, quick assembly, etc.
For more than 35 years, VMF has been designing and producing precision manifolds for industries. The company, which now has more than 40 qualified employees, has continuously increased its skills while retaining its know-how.
VMF benefits of an efficient and diversified machinery fleet and a complete tooling of 10,000 parts. This allows the production of standard hydraulic blocks in series with high production capacity and customized blocks with precise and complex drilling. Approximately 23,000 manifolds per year leave our workshops to contribute to our customers’ industrial projects in the construction, public works, offshore, agricultural machinery, armament and maritime sectors.

Our hydraulic blocks are entirely manufactured in France in our workshops located in the heart of the Rhône-Alpes region. Since our creation, we are proud to have supported more than 1,000 customers in their hydraulic manifold needs.

Thanks to our recognized expertise, we have participated in major projects such as the Las Vegas Ferris wheel or the construction of the Chernobyl containment arch entrusted to Novarka.
Our values and expertise in the design and manufacture of precision hydraulic blocks have earned us the loyalty and trust of leading names in the industry (Bosch, Parker, Hytop, Siempelkamp, etc.).

2- An efficient machine park adapted to the manufacture of precision hydraulic blocks.

Our complete and efficient machinery park allows us to position ourselves as the European leader in precision hydraulic manifolds. VMF is equipped with 19 machines and adapted tools to achieve specific cavities and complex drilling with the highest precision.

We have the necessary human and material resources to meet all our clients’ projects.
VMF has the ability to produce hydraulic blocks in series thanks to machining centres connected to a Fastems robot that offer production capacity twenty-four hours a day. Our teams can design and produce large hydraulic blocks, nearly 2 meters long and weigh up to 10 tons to contribute to big industrial projects. We have also chosen to keep in our workshops traditional machines that allow specific machining on our hydraulic blocks.

VMF provides professional and expert advice to its customers on hydraulic block materials (steel, aluminium, cast iron, stainless steel) and surface treatments (zinc plating, phosphating, anodizing, chemical nickel) the most adapted to their needs and the constraints to which the blocks will be subjected.

3- A requirement of quality and control on all our hydraulic manifolds.

Since its creation, VMF has placed quality at the heart of its business. In 2002, the company obtained ISO 9001 certification, reflecting its rigour and professionalism.

The finishing, control and packaging stages are integrated into our production processes and benefit from a dedicated space of more than 800 m² in our workshops.
At VMF, quality owes nothing to chance, our qualified employees check many points on the hydraulic manifolds we manufacture. During the six block control steps, the holes, connections, diameters and depths of the cartridges and sealing are subject to ultrasonic, dimensional, or endoscopic checks.

4- A customized hydraulic block design to meet the specific needs of manufacturers.

The teams of VMF, a European specialist in precision manifolds, are qualified to design complex hydraulic manifolds. Our company has a design office and a CAD/CAM tool (Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing) specially developed for VMF.

We carry out all the necessary studies to design hydraulic blocks adapted to the needs of our customers and to the precise specifications defined. During the production of hydraulic manifolds, we integrate all manufacturing steps to make them reliable and obtain the highest quality result.

We can also manufacture manifolds from drawings provided by our customers.

5- Work with industries over time.

Our willingness to support our customers over time in their manifold needs contributes to our leading position in the European market. At VMF, we make every effort to meet the specific requirements of manufacturers for hydraulic block solutions.

Supporting our customers as close as possible to their needs requires a real listening, but also an organization, skills and adapted technical equipment.
We are able to restart the production of manifolds already manufactured in our workshops or take over a project by making changes. Indeed, all our customers’ hydraulic manifold plans are digitized and archived to provide a responsive and efficient service.

In order to provide a quality service and added value to our customers, we are able to have a stock of parts that allows us to meet the needs of recurring series of hydraulic blocks for our loyal customers.
Would you like to know more about our services and our achievements ? Do not hesitate to contact us ! VMF’s qualified teams are at your disposal to meet your needs for precision hydraulic blocks.